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in support of

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On April 22, 2023, the Great Halifax Clothing Swap welcomed more than 350 participants to its inaugural event at the Halifax Forum - Maritime Hall. This translated into thousands of dollars being raised for Laing House, and close to 3,000 lbs of clothing being diverted from landfills to new owners and charitable collectors. On September 24, 2023, the second swap was held with over 400 swappers in attendance, and more than 4,000 lbs of clothing was processed. With the third event scheduled for May 11, 2024, our goal is to process 6,000 lbs of gently used clothing, shoes, and accessories for men, women, and children! Can you help us do it?

Note: Tickets are also available at the door using cash or card

...But What Is A Clothing Swap?

For those who have never participated in a clothing swap, let me tell you, it’s a beautiful thing. 


Clothing swaps are hyper-local, hyper-social events where people come together to exchange their closet cast-offs. By participating in this event, individuals refresh their wardrobes and find new homes for their unwanted items, simultaneously extending the life of clothing and diverting clothes from landfills. What's more, events like these make the circular economy more accessible to all, and attendees feel a kinship with their community members through the sharing of clothing. It's a win-win-win-win!


As with any large-scale event, there are expenses incurred during planning and promotion. As such, the door fee will help to cover these expenses with the remainder being donated to Laing House, a local Halifax nonprofit that empowers youth living with mental health challenges. More information can be found on Laing House and all the great work they are doing in our community here. Check them out and give them a follow here to show your support!

How it Works
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